Official Website of Author and Trans-Continental Walker

"I didn't plan on killing people when I walked across America."
Death, Discovery & Carne Asada
the reviews are in...DD&CA is "a must read!"
"WTF?? did that really happen?"
"quirky, crude & an amazing read!"
Everyone who walks across America writes a book, but this is by far the most bizarre and most fun of the cross-country hike memoirs. I think that it’s satire meant to poke fun at modern ideas of masculinity, but it’s also possible that Curran has just murdered a lot of people.”
Tyler Coulson - Author By Men or By The Earth and How To Walk Across America and Not Be An Asshole
To-Do When I Walk Across America:
Master the art of cold-soaked top ramen.
Learn to dig a cathole and perfect my aim.
Wrestle a bear.
World’s largest ball of twine.
I didn’t plan on killing people when I walked across America.
Murder was not on the list.
Yes, I killed people.
A lot of people.
When you kill people, any number of people, when does it become “a lot” of people? Is three a lot? Eight? A baker’s dozen?
And what is the definition of serial killer? Mass murderer? Spree killer?
se·ri·al kill·er noun a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern.
mass mur·der·er noun The FBI defines mass murder as murdering four or more people during a single event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders.
spree kill·er noun The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a spree killing as killings at two or more locations with almost no “cooling-off period” between murders.
cool·ing off pe·ri·od noun The period of time within which a killer blends back into his/her seemingly normal life.
So, what am I?
I confess to many killings; however...
I'm going to tell you a story, a (somewhat) true story about two killers and a hunting adventure like no other. A story of how a woman I've never slept with and a frozen, floating head and balls turned my world upside down. A story of a man so broken he rescued a dog and set out across America on foot to mend his soul and hunt that bitch down. A story that should never, ever, encourage anybody to walk across America.
However, if my story does, for some sick reason, inspire you to lace up some sneakers and attempt to do what only a dozen or so people accomplish each year, I've thrown in some pointers to help you out.
I am a murderer, but I'm also a giver.
My name is
Thomas Curran
And that's
I am not a killer.
I only play one in my book.
In 2019, a little over a month after turning 50, I rescued a mutt named Wink and ditched my life as a chef for 231 days. During that time, I walked 3,235 miles across America. Atlantic to Pacific. I crossed 12 states, took 7.68 million steps, averaged 21 miles per day, got deathly ill twice, had a gun pulled on me in Oklahoma on the same day I dodged a tornado in the belly of a concrete bunker, went down a fire pole wearing nothin' but the fire captain's helmet, got over my fear of body odor and dirty fingernails, lived on top ramen and gas station food, found the world's largest dandelion, and wrote a not so fairytale story about love and murder.
I raised over $20k for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. Kids should NOT have to deal with that!


the (real) walk
This is my journey that inspired
Death, Discovery & Carne Asada.
I wrote the book in my tent, in coffee shops, sitting under bridges, in stranger's homes and inside volunteer fire houses.
This was my real journey across America.
When people read my book, they often ask, "Dude, did that really happen?"
The line between fiction and non-fiction is a little blurry but I can say that nobody died on my walk.
February 2, 2019 - September 21, 2019
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, Oregon, California
3,235 Miles, 231 Days, 7.68M Steps, 12 States

the video
Shot and chopped by Sean O'Grady - Metrospecitve Media
This five-minute mini-documentary helped inspire hundreds of people to
donate over $20k to the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation -
a charity near and dear to my heart.